Spring Fashions


Of course I love fashion.  I love to see it in magazines, on the street, on cool-looking, well-put-together women and everywhere I go.  This Spring's fashions mainly win my vote, with a couple of qualifications.  First, the shoes.  The platforms, hidden or obvious, and the sky high heels to me, at least, are at best, whimsical.  They are only made for viewing, certainly not for walking more than a few steps, mainly for sitting, I think.  The prices are as high as the heels, stratospheric - certainly hard to rationalize as a must-have wardrobe addition, given the limited use.  I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the whole lot, including those sandals with a grid going up your ankle, can only last a season.  By Fall, they should be well hidden in the back of the closet, if you broke down and got a pair. The same with the jewelry.  So big, so chunky, most of it so unattractive, too heavy.  Some of the pieces out there in the magazines and stores are so large and heavy, you would need to be a giraffe to comfortably wear them.  Or maybe Queen Victoria, who was prone to large pieces.  I am hoping that the oversized, excessively decorated pieces will also find their way to the back of the drawer by the end of the season, as well.  I find that while being part of the fashion business, I still need to be true to my instincts and my talents as to what really, truly looks good on a woman.  It's one thing to want to look fashionable and stylish, it's another to wear something that actually detracts from your attractiveness or looks just plain ugly and inappropriate. I believe that it's important to keep in mind what you are trying to achieve with any particular look.  Also, it's important to keep in mind that others will be looking at you and forming opinions, just like they did of Susan Boyle last week.  She had the opportunity to change people's minds when she performed.  You may not get the chance.  I do respect the talent and creativity out there in the fashion world. Not everything works.  I don't think that the men designing the 7 inch shoes would be caught dead in them.  Nor would the men designers of the heavy jewelry put one of those necklaces on for more than a second.  It feels like wearing a ball and chain around your neck.  I know that fashion can require sacrifice.  Just have some perspective.
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